====== Change Matrix room retention time ====== Systemli's Matrix home server instance has a default retention time of 30 days. We allow values from 1-180 days. Clients that have already downloaded and stored the event/message might continue to show it, unless they themselves implement support for message retention policies, the homeserver can not do anything about this. ---- It is possible to send custom events from developer tools of element web and set room retention time there. - The developer tools can be opened by typing ''/devtools'' in the message editor. (With older versions of Element, it was something like: Right-click a room → Settings → Advanced → Open developer tools → Send custom event) - In the devtools, select "Send custom timeline event" - You'll first need to convert the desired time in days to milliseconds, i.e.: 1000*60*60*24* - Event Type: m.room.retention - Event Content: { "max_lifetime": 2592000000 } - Click "Send" After sending, you can verify that the retention is set: Go back, choose "Explore room state" and ''m.room.retention'' there. ---- Source: https://github.com/vector-im/element-web/issues/3800#issuecomment-1030568445 ===== Further reading ===== * [[https://github.com/matrix-org/synapse/blob/develop/docs/message_retention_policies.md#room-configuration|Matrix Message retention policies]] * [[https://spec.matrix.org/latest/|Matrix Client API documentation]]