//A more modern howto is available [[https://0xacab.org/about.privacy/messengers-on-tails-os/-/wikis/Signal/Install-Signal-desktop|here]] ([[http://wmj5kiic7b6kjplpbvwadnht2nh2qnkbnqtcv3dyvpqtz7ssbssftxid.onion/about.privacy/messengers-on-tails-os/-/wikis/Signal/Install-Signal-desktop|via Tor Onion Service here]])//
(heavily based on: [[https://bisco.org/notes/installing-and-running-signal-on-tails/|bisco.org]] )
Tested with:
* Tails versions 4, 5 and 6
* Signal version 7.4.0
===== 1.) Install Tails on USB-Stick =====
See howto: [[https://tails.boum.org/|Tails]] and run it.
===== 2.) Configure Tails =====
[[https://tails.boum.org/install/expert?back=1|Tails configuration]]
* Create a Persistent Storage: https://tails.net/doc/persistent_storage/
* Enable the Additional Software feature of Tails persistence: https://tails.net/doc/persistent_storage/additional_software/
* Enable Dotfiles feature: https://tails.net/doc/persistent_storage/configure/
When logging in after the reboot, unlock persistence volume and set an Administration Password.
===== 3.) Install Flatpak =====
The approach used to run Signal on Tails is using flatpak. Flatpak is a utility for software deployment and package management for Linux (Tails is a Linux).
**WARNING**: since you download (and update) Signal from flatpak source you now depend on Flatpaks integrity!!!
Open Terminal:
''sudo apt update && sudo apt install flatpak''
Tails then asks if you want to add flatpak to your additional software. Choose: "Install every Time".
===== 4.) Configure Flatpak =====
Put these commands into a script (a simple text file) in persistent folder i.e. ''/home/amnesia/Persistent/flatpak-setup.sh''. You can do so by opening it from the Terminal with a text editor:
gnome-text-editor /home/amnesia/Persistent/flatpak-setup.sh
Content of the file:
mkdir -p /home/amnesia/Persistent/flatpak
mkdir -p /home/amnesia/.local/share
if ! file /home/amnesia/.local/share/flatpak | grep -q 'symbolic link'; then
rm -rf --one-file-system /home/amnesia/.local/share/flatpak
ln -s /home/amnesia/Persistent/flatpak /home/amnesia/.local/share/flatpak
mkdir -p /home/amnesia/Persistent/app
mkdir -p /home/amnesia/.var
ln -s /home/amnesia/Persistent/app /home/amnesia/.var/app
* Make script executable
''chmod +x /home/amnesia/Persistent/flatpak-setup.sh''
* Add script to autostart
Create a file: ''/live/persistence/TailsData_unlocked/dotfiles/.config/autostart/FlatpakSetup.desktop''. To do so, first create the directory, then open the file with a text editor:
mkdir -p /live/persistence/TailsData_unlocked/dotfiles/.config/autostart/
gnome-text-editor /live/persistence/TailsData_unlocked/dotfiles/.config/autostart/FlatpakSetup.desktop
Content of the file:
[Desktop Entry]
GenericName=Setup Flatpak on Tails
Comment=This script runs the flatpak-setup.sh script on start of the user session
When logging in after the reboot, unlock persistence volume and set an Administration Password.
===== 5.) Install Signal with Flatpak =====
Open Terminal:
torify flatpak remote-add --user --if-not-exists flathub https://flathub.org/repo/flathub.flatpakrepo
torify flatpak install flathub org.signal.Signal
(This will take quite a couple of minutes.)
===== 6.) Configure Signal =====
Put these commands into a script (a simple text file) in ''/home/amnesia/Persistent/signal.sh''. To do so, open the file in a text editor:
gnome-text-editor /home/amnesia/Persistent/signal.sh
Content of the file:
export HTTP_PROXY=socks://
export HTTPS_PROXY=socks://
flatpak run org.signal.Signal
* Make script executable
''chmod +x /home/amnesia/Persistent/signal.sh''
* Add script to applications
Create a file: ''/live/persistence/TailsData_unlocked/dotfiles/.local/share/applications/Signal.desktop''.
To do so, first create the directory, then open the file with a text editor:
mkdir -p /live/persistence/TailsData_unlocked/dotfiles/.local/share/applications
gnome-text-editor /live/persistence/TailsData_unlocked/dotfiles/.local/share/applications/Signal.desktop
Content of the file:
[Desktop Entry]
GenericName=Signal Desktop Messenger
Reboot and unlock persistence volume. (You need to unlock persistence volume every time you want to use Signal)
Signal now shows as part of the Gnome applications with a nice Signal icon (hit "windows" button and search for "Signal").
It's possible to start Signal like this as well:
''cd /home/amnesia/Persistent && ./signal.sh''
===== 7.) Update of Signal =====
**IMPORTANT**: to check for updates and update Signal you have to manually run:
''torify flatpak update''