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artikel_ueberwachung [2018/03/09 15:29] casperartikel_ueberwachung [2024/08/27 20:24] (aktuell) casper
Zeile 14: Zeile 14:
   * [[| LOVEINT – NSA-Beamte schnüffelten Geliebte aus]] (USA, 24.08.2013)   * [[| LOVEINT – NSA-Beamte schnüffelten Geliebte aus]] (USA, 24.08.2013)
   * [[|Berlintrojaner: Berlin macht Geschäfte mit zwielichtiger Firma]] (Piratenfraktion Berlin, 27.09.2013)   * [[|Berlintrojaner: Berlin macht Geschäfte mit zwielichtiger Firma]] (Piratenfraktion Berlin, 27.09.2013)
 +  * [[|NSA tracks Google ads to find Tor users]] (US, 04.10.2013)
 +    * "The NSA has been able to use ad networks like Google's, and The Onion Router's own entry and exit nodes on the Internet, to follow some Tor users, according to a new report based on documents leaked by whistleblower Edward Snowden and obtained by security researcher Bruce Schneier with the Guardian"
   * [[|BND lässt sich Abhören von Verbindungen deutscher Provider genehmigen]] (DE, 06.10.2013)   * [[|BND lässt sich Abhören von Verbindungen deutscher Provider genehmigen]] (DE, 06.10.2013)
   * [[|Allegation of U.S. Spying on Merkel Puts Obama at Crossroads]] (US, 24.10.2013)   * [[|Allegation of U.S. Spying on Merkel Puts Obama at Crossroads]] (US, 24.10.2013)
Zeile 57: Zeile 59:
   * [[ |  BAD TRAFFIC: Sandvine’s PacketLogic Devices Used to Deploy Government Spyware in Turkey and Redirect Egyptian Users to Affiliate Ads? ]] (Türkei, 09.03.2018)   * [[ |  BAD TRAFFIC: Sandvine’s PacketLogic Devices Used to Deploy Government Spyware in Turkey and Redirect Egyptian Users to Affiliate Ads? ]] (Türkei, 09.03.2018)
     *  we found deep packet inspection (DPI) middleboxes on Türk Telekom’s network. The middleboxes were being used to redirect hundreds of users in Turkey and Syria to nation-state spyware when those users attempted to download certain legitimate Windows applications.     *  we found deep packet inspection (DPI) middleboxes on Türk Telekom’s network. The middleboxes were being used to redirect hundreds of users in Turkey and Syria to nation-state spyware when those users attempted to download certain legitimate Windows applications.
 +  * [[ |  Police in Canada Are Tracking People’s ‘Negative’ Behavior In a ‘Risk’ Database ]] (Kanada, 27.02.2019)
 +  * [[ | The tracking bug in your pocket: Mobile phone surveillance in Germany ]] (DE, 26.12.2019)
 +  * [[ | Justizstatistik 2018 - Telekommunikationsüberwachung am häufigsten wegen Drogen ]] (DE, 22.01.2020)
 +  * [[ | Google Responds to Warrants for “About” Searches ]] (13.10.2020)
 +  * [[ | Auf den letzten Drücker beschlossen neuer Gesetzentwurf für den Telekommunikationsmarkt. ]] (DE, 16.12.2020)
 +     *» Verschafft Ermittlungsbehörden Zugang zu mehr Daten und enthält Kompromisse bei Verbraucherschutzfragen.
 +  * [[ | 
 +Talk zu #PersoOhneFinger.]](DE, 28.12.2020)
 +     *» Bis 2. August 2021 einen Personalausweis ohne Fingerabdrücke beantragen. 
 +  * [[|Julian Assange droht eine 175-jährige Freiheitsstrafe]] (DE, 29.12.2020)
 +     *» Die erste Instanz im Auslieferungsersuchen der Vereinigten Staaten geht in wenigen Tagen in ihr Finale, und es wird um nichts weniger als um die Pressefreiheit gekämpft.
 +  * [[ | Evidence planted on laptops of jailed Indian activists, says forensics firm Arsenal Consulting ]] (Indien, 07.07.2021)
 +     *»  The report details use of the NetWire malware, traces its installation to a specific email from February 2016, and offers evidence of extensive communication with a command-and-control server. It also identifies 14 documents that were delivered to a hidden folder by NetWire. That folder was later moved from a volume created by NetWire onto the laptop’s main Windows volume.
 +  * [[ |ProtonMail: Nutzerdaten für die USA dank guter Zusammenarbeit mit Behörden]] (CH, 02.08.2021)
 +  * [[ | Dossier: Zu Überwachung auf dem Laufenden bleiben]] (DE, 11.08.2021)
 +  * [[ |Google says geofence warrants make up one-quarter of all US demands]] (US, 19.08.2021)
 +  * [[ |Germany’s Watergate: 1950s chancellor used spy agency to infiltrate rival party]] (DE, 08.04.2022)
 +    *» The covert and illegal flow of information between the offices of Konrad Adenauer and the Bundesnachrichtendienst (BND) chief, Reinhard Gehlen, enabled the conservative politician to cement his hold on power through accurate insider knowledge on the campaign strategies, parliamentary manoeuvres and internal power struggles of the Social Democratic party (SPD), which led the opposition in the Bundestag at the time.
 +  * [[| IMSI-Catcher: Überwachung auch in 5G-Netzen möglich]] (DE, 18.06.2023)
 +  * [[|Police Are Requesting Self-Driving Car Footage for Video Evidence]] (US, 29.06.2023)
 +    * "While security cameras are commonplace in American cities, self-driving cars represent a new level of access for law enforcement — and a new method for encroachment on privacy, advocates say. Crisscrossing the city on their routes, self-driving cars capture a wider swath of footage. And it’s easier for law enforcement to turn to one company with a large repository of videos and a dedicated response team than to reach out to all the businesses in a neighborhood with security systems."
artikel_ueberwachung.1520605741.txt.gz · Zuletzt geändert: 2018/03/09 15:29 von casper

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